Nursery News


The nursery will be closed on Sat. 20.  Instead I will be at the newly planted St. Paul’s Church “woodland meadow” in Brunswick for the Blooms in Brunswick event, 10-3.  Feel free to join.


The nursery will be closed at noon on Sunday, June 30th.  Sorry for the inconvenience.


The yearly reminder that:

  1.  The nursery only takes checks or cash.
  2. Plants are potted anew each spring and are not forced in a greenhouse.  Most will not be well-rooted until late May or early June, depending on the variety.  This cool spring is very conducive to plant propagation but things are growing slowly.
  3. Email first if you have your heart set on buying a particular plant.  It may still be in propagation.  By June, the amount of plants available will have increased significantly.  So once again, if you are traveling from afar, it might be best to wait until then.




Opening day is Friday, May 10.


The nursery is no longer reachable by phone but by email only.  Sorry for any inconvenience.